Long-Term Tent Rentals: A Smart, Budget-Friendly Solution for Schools

When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down schools across the country, millions of children turned to online learning. While some were able to adjust to the new reality, others struggled with isolation, a lack of structure, poor nutrition and no access to wi-fi and other resources. The benefits of in-person learning became clear, and when schools re-opened, the relief – on the part of both parents and teachers – was palpable. However, schools faced a new challenge: creating safe learning environments for their students and faculty in the face of a waning yet stubbornly persistent pandemic. Many schools discovered a solution that allowed students to study in person, while also minimizing the risk of infection: tent classrooms.

Early on in the pandemic, health officials noted that the likelihood of contracting COVID-19 was drastically lower outdoors versus indoors. (This is true of most airborne viruses that can be dispersed by the wind.) Outdoor classrooms offer a number of safety advantages, including better ventilation and more room to follow social distancing recommendations. Furthermore, most kids enjoy spending time outdoors, and fresh air and sunshine have documented health benefits. The success of classroom tents has given educators and parents hope that, even if the pandemic worsens again, there are options available besides learning at home and attending crowded classrooms.

Despite the numerous advantages, open air learning also presents challenges. Inclement weather, such as rain, snow , direct sun, and scorching heat, is the most obvious problem. Fortunately, this issue can be remedied with high quality tents, and, if necessary, tent walls and temperature control equipment. With this in mind, schools across the country acquired tents typically used for weddings and outdoor events and gave them a new purpose: providing students with a safe, comfortable learning environment.

During this time, school administrators discovered just how useful tents can be – and not just for classrooms. These temporary structures are an affordable yet functional way to maximize space, provide protection from the elements and host impressive events. They offer administrators flexibility and are relatively low maintenance. Some of the most common uses schools have for long-term tent rentals include:


-       Classroom & Cafeteria Space: Long-term tent rentals are a smart, quick way to increase the amount of space on campus. Schools looking to alleviate overcrowding may not have the time or budget to build new permanent structures. Instead, certain classes can be taught in (protected) outdoor areas. In fact, many children see outdoor learning as a fun treat, which makes them happier and more engaged. Physical education, art and science classes are particularly well suited to take place in nature.

Tents have also become a popular solution for allowing kids to eat outside of a cramped cafeteria. Rather than having multiple lunch shifts – forcing some to eat lunch at 10 am and others to fight hunger pangs until 2pm – kids can enjoy an al fresco meal. The key to making these outdoor setups acceptable – and even enjoyable – for students and teachers is to only use high quality tents and the proper tent accessories. There is a big difference between a flimsy canopy and a sturdy frame tent with temperature control and lighting options.


-       Sporting Events: Tents have long been used at school sporting events, from small town games to televised collegiate match ups. Covered structures are a very useful way of creating special areas for VIPS. Whether honoring veterans, thanking donors or creating a family or staff-only area, it is a nice gesture to create a comfortable environment at an otherwise raucous event. Tents serve other vital purposes as well – first aid centers, cooling stations, check-in tables, etc. Whatever the function, a tent is a good investment for any school trying to take its sporting events to the next level. For better or for worse, these occasions tend to attract the most attention (and attendance) from the wider community. For this reason, sporting events are the ideal time for school administrators to make a good impression.


-       Fundraisers & Other Special Events: Schools must constantly organize events, from fundraisers and fairs to graduations and proms. Any administrator putting on an outdoor gathering would be wise to integrate a tent into their plans. High quality tents protect both people and supplies from rain, heat, cold and other elements that can ruin a good time. There is nothing worse than spending the time and money organizing an important function, only to have it canceled (except not cancelling and having to deal with irate, soaked guests). A tent rental is an affordable fail-safe against that possibility. Whether you want to protect your bake sale pies from the rain or your elderly guests from the sun, it is important to always be prepared.


-       Administrative Facilities: The past couple of years have been tough on teachers. Why not reward your staff with an outdoor lounging area, where they can get away from the classroom for a bit to unwind? Or host a teacher appreciation party to show your staff members how much they are valued. Our tents can also be used for back to school events, parent-teacher conferences, or any other occasion where extra space is needed.


-       So Much More: Clearly, schools have many needs that can be met with long-term tent rentals. As administrators try to keep their students and faculty safe by encouraging them to spend more time outdoors and space themselves out, they have increasingly turned to tents as the solution. These are multipurpose tools – from hosting band practice and student club meetings to providing a shady environment for day care programs.


The most important thing to remember when choosing a long-term tent rental is finding a dependable company that offers high quality products. At EZ Tent Rentals, we offer only high quality frame tents. And unlike general party rental companies, we specialize in tents. We have the tools and experience to perform secure installations on a variety of surfaces, including grass, concrete, asphalt, artificial turf, and much more. Our tents are engineered to withstand high winds and the common elements that other generic tents are not designed to handle over long periods of time. We know that safety is paramount when it comes to school installations, and we take that responsibility very seriously.

The whole world is hopeful that the COVID-19 pandemic will soon be a thing of the past. Until then, however, schools must proceed cautiously and continue to follow health and safety guidelines. EZ Tent Rentals is proud of our partnership with schools (and other businesses) over the past couple of years. During a difficult time, we did our part to provide the safest learning and working environments possible. We have also enjoyed helping our local schools put on spectacular graduations, sporting events and other occasions that participants will remember forever.

We would love to work with you to find the best solution for your tent rental needs. Please contact us today for a free consultation.


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